Contact us

If the idea of using cognitive science to change minds and advance the cause of Universal Healthcare sounds right to you, please drop us an email and let’s begin a conversation!

Get involved!

This work is about creating a network of people who understand the mission, the issues and the cognitive psychology of change - become part of that network.

Other ways to get involved


We have all had discussions with people who oppose Universal healthcare. It is very frustrating. We seem to disagree on fundamental ideas of justice and fairness and empathy. There are layers upon layers of cognitive biases that prevent people from being open to changing their minds. Learn how to overcome these biases!

Contribute your stories and ideas

Once you learn how Cognitive Science can help change minds, you’ll have stories and ideas that will contribute to the effort. We need to share our experiences talking to others about change and how to achieve it! Click on “Contact Us” and we’ll start a conversation!

Make a video

We have a YouTube Channel focused mainly on education, but we also need to begin “story banking!” As you will learn, there are certain kinds of stories that we will need to make our case. help us tell them!

Write a blog post

There are many outlets for your ideas and stories, not just here! My Universal Healthcare Blog is where I primarily share my ideas, but contact me and we can discuss outlets for you!

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