Together we’re changing the conversation around healthcare reform.

What we’re focused on

Changing our nation’s ethics surrounding healthcare

By educating healthcare professionals on persuasive tactics like storytelling and behavioral psychology, we can equip them to effectively argue for universal healthcare because we believe healthcare for everyone is the right thing to do.

Fighting the medical industrial complex

By educating healthcare professionals on persuasive tactics like storytelling and behavioral psychology, we can equip them to effectively argue for universal healthcare because we believe healthcare for everyone is the right thing to do.

Organizing professionals and professional organizations to take a stand

By educating healthcare professionals on persuasive tactics like storytelling and behavioral psychology, we can equip them to effectively argue for universal healthcare because we believe healthcare for everyone is the right thing to do.

How we’ll get there


Creating a campaign to educate Healthcare Workers and others on Cognitive Science and using it to change the conversations about Universal healthcare.


Creating resources and toolkits to allow us to learn how to make the arguments for Universal Healthcare.


Creating campaigns targeting other advocacy groups to adopt Cognitive Science-based frameworks for advocating for Universal healthcare.

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